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Mozart: 1st Movement from Symphony No. 40 in G minor (1788, classical)
- Homophonic
- Homorhythmic – dynamics used to build texture but based on number of instruments playing. No expressive crescendos or diminuendos
- 1st subject (piece written in sonata form): rich, thick
- 2nd subject: thinner, quieter than 1st
- Development has reduced texture because it’s based on original melody of exposition
- Diatonic, in G minor
- Exposition: modulation in bridge passage to relative major, Bb, perfect cadence
- Many instances of chord
- Development section: transposing to different keys, all dominants: Em, Am, Dm, Gm, C, F, Bb
- Recapitulation entirely in original key (Gm), no modulation, unlike in the exposition
- Chromatic harmony in second subject (bars 64 – 72)
- Dominant pedals used to increase tension
- Classical orchestra: strings, woodwind, French horns. No trumpets/percussion
- 1 horn in Bb, 1 horn in G – horns don’t have valves so different keys allow for tonic and dominant notes of tonic and relative minor keys to be played
- Instruments double in octaves to thicken texture
- Themes mainly shared between strings and upper woodwind
- 4/4 time signuature
- Molto Allegro – very fast
- Augmentation used in codetta
- Exposition:
- First subject (bars 1 – 20): repetition of first 3 notes, sequencing (bars 1-4)
- Bridge passage (bars 20 – 44): repetition of first subject but modulates to relative major (Bb), sequencing in violins (bars 30 – 33)
- Second subject (bars 44 – 72): one bar sequences to extend the theme, descending semitones to give graceful sadness to mood
- Development (bars 101 – 164): based on opening melody of exposition, scalic, more chromaticRecapitulation (bars 164 – 299): same melody as exposition, bass counter melody in basoons, violas and cellos (bar 191 – 197)
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