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Schoenberg: Peripetie (1909)
- Polyphonic
- Occasional examples of monophony and homophony
- Built up through use of imitation and inversion
- Extreme dynamic contrasts
- Atonal – no tonal center
- Dissonant
- All notes considered equal
- Chords built up from 6 notes, hexachords
- Chords built up from remaining 6 notes are known as the compliment
- Large orchestra of over 90 players – extreme writing
- Uncommon instruments used, including piccolo, cor anglais, bass clarinet, contrabassoon and tam-tam
- Extreme pitch range exploited to develop the timbre
- Unusual effects through new playing techniques: cymbals played with mallet, cymbals played with cello bow, double basses playing tremolo (harsh sound), brass players to play “bells up” to make sound travel further
- Changes between 3/4, 2/4 and 4/4
- Marked Sehr rasch (very quick)
- Complex rhythms, varied
- Polyrhythmic texture created through layering
- Augmentation to develop the melodies
- Short and fragmented motifs
- Not step wise, wild leaps: disjunct
- Angular and unsteady
- Octave displacement
- Inversion and augmentation to develop melodies
- Rondo form (A,B,A,C,A)
- Sections identified by moods and emotions suggested by the music
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